TitanTV File Processor

Do you have WinTV? Want it to mute the audio when recording and close when done?  Then assign this program to tvpi files to have scheduled tasks created with the -mute, -nss and -exitr command line switches.

Please note that you will need to edit the file association to enclose the %1 replaceable parameter after the full path to the executable in quotes.  If you do not the program will be passed the part of the path to .tvpi files up to the first space instead of the whole path and generate a windows error dialog box.

In order to use the program you will need to edit TitanTV File Processor.cfg.

  1. Change the path from C:\PROGRA~1\WinTV\ if this does not reflect the location where you have WinTV installed.
  2. Change WinTV2K.exe to the name of your WinTV executable usually WinTV2K.exe for the classic versions and WinTV.exe for the Vista style versions.
  3. change the listed switches -mute, -nss and -exitr to reflect the switches you wanted use in your scheduled recordings in addition to those used by pvrfile_applet.exe.
  4. Replace UN with your windows user name in HEX without % signs in front of the values.
  5. Replace PW with your windows password in HEX without % signs in front of the values.

For conversion see ASCII to HEX to Unicode Converter.

Also note the following program limitations.

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